"Peter Rockai (mornfall)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Anibal Monsalve Salazar wrote: > >> W: amarok source: out-of-date-standards-version >> W: amarok source: changelog-should-mention-nmu >> W: amarok source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 1.0.0-3 >> W: amarok source: source-contains-CVS-dir debian/CVS >> E: amarok-xmms: binary-without-manpage amarok_xmmswrapper >> E: amarok-xmms: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok >> E: amarok-gstreamer: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok >> E: amarok-arts: no-shlibs-control-file usr/lib/libamarokarts.so >> E: amarok-arts: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok > First, amarok-* do depend on amarok... no idea what to do about that; > override? I will fix maintainer and changelog, i wanted to make another > build anyway. Manpage will be included as well (not for amarokapp or > amarok_xmmswrapper tho). libamarokarts.so is not a shared library but a > loadable module, i know this is a problem but it's upstream.
It can't go in /usr/lib then. It would have to go in /usr/lib/amarok/ or something instead. > It's not critical. Well, changing it is probably quite some work, > error-prone and means diverging from upstream. I will bug them about > it tho. No, that doesn't sound like it would be the right thing to do... -- You win again, gravity!