On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 06:11:26PM +0200, Chris Vanden Berghe wrote:
> Is there nobody with a bit of free time willing to sponsor the package
> described below?  I expect it to be reasonably painless...

The problem normally is both a lack of free time (I've got nine packages on
my list of "I'll look at sponsoring that" at the moment, none of which I've
found time to look at), and also a lack of interest.  A package that you
won't use yourself (or at least can't see a use for in your own life) is a
really poor candidate for sponsoring, because you won't have any real idea
of how it will be used in practice, and so won't be able to decently test
it's use.  All you're down to then is making sure the packaging is OK, which
is a necessary but insufficient condition for sponsorship.

- Matt

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