On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 08:54:53AM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> I saw that you already did an ITP. Can you kindly point us to the url with
> debian packages? I won't mind to give them a shot (even if i don't use
> ldap personally)

Sure, they're at http://horde.net/~jwm/debian/. Thanks, Fabio.

> I am keeping the followup on debian-mentors since it is a more appropriate
> mailing list for package discussion than debian-apache.

Ok. I copied my RFS there since the d-mentors FAQ suggested copying the
appropriate sublist in hopes of reaching a wider audience. :-)

John Morrissey          _o            /\         ----  __o
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        _-< \_          /  \       ----  <  \,
www.horde.net/    __(_)/_(_)________/    \_______(_) /_(_)__

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