On 2004-06-07 Mattia Dongili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 10:03:04AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> > Personally I'd immediately change the architecture field and change it
> > back once there is a xserver for s390. - You'll probably have to
> > pester ftp-master to remove the old s390 binary, otherwise
> > xfree86-driver-synaptics will be blocked by "out of date on s390".

> I finally opted for this solution. The package is ready to be uploaded,
> but how am I supposed to proceed now? ask for removal first and then
> upload or the opposite?

Do both instead of waiting. There is no problem if the s390 buildd
tries to build xfree86-driver-synaptics before the binary has been
removed (and xfree86-driver-synaptics has been added to
http://buildd.debian.org/quinn-diff/Packages-arch-specific), the build
will simply fail because dpkg-buildpackage (or is it sbuild?) checks
the architecture field.

> also, is [EMAIL PROTECTED] the correct address to contact ftp-master?

Afaict from http://www.debian.org/intro/organization yes.
                cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

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