"David A. Riggs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Eike "zyro" Sauer wrote:
>> Goswin von Brederlow schrieb:
>>>There is also "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -X foobar".
>> ...and kdesu...
> Right, thanks, but that's really not my point though...Does
> anyone have any feed back on my real question (quoted below),
> or should I ask on debian.devel?
> The real question:
>  > So, my question is...is there, or should there be, some virtual
>  > package or system-wide or user-wide preference for gaining root
>  > priviliges under X11? What's the best current way to get this
>  > into the menu system with the least amount of pain for both
>  > the packager and the user?

Get all the root gaining mechanisms maintainers to sit together and
work out a common mechanism to register menu items that need root.

Some x-gain-root package that all mechanism and all root needing
programs then Depend on. The root gaining mechanism the user has
installed can then add the menu items no matter what mechanism was

Maybe you could merge the potential x-gain-root package into the menu


create an alternative x-gain-root that all root gaining packages
supply and use that everywhere.

My 2c,

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