
I've been working on packaging Rekall - a KDE-based Access-like graphical 
database frontend.

I would be interested in any feedback on my packages which are available at:

To get it to run you probably need to install my xbsql package as well. 
(Someone has issued an ITP for xbsql I believe and I'll go over to using 
their version soon.)

To get it to build you will need my libxbase packages.  I built my own 
versions of these because a small change was needed in one of the header 
files to get rekall to build. (I'm not actually sure what to do about this. 
It is a change in the actual source so is a matter for the upstream 
maintainer but their has been a new and very different upstream version 
released that isn't in debian yet so I'm not sure they are interested in a 
change to the earlier version.  Should I contact the debian maintainer?)

This isn't a RFS for two reasons.  Firstly, I think the packages are a way 
from being finished.  Secondly, someone else has issued an ITP for this 
package but that was 197 days ago and I actually want to use the package 
myself and their seems to be quite a few people who would like a debian 
package of it.

Anyway, I would be grateful for any feedback on my work.


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