On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 03:30:12PM -0700, Matt Brubeck wrote:
> Geert Stappers wrote:
> > > The proper way is to simply not upload to mentors.d.n with
> > > 'official' debian revision numbers. Assuming the offical version
> > > will be 1.0-1, use for example 1.0-1~mentors1 (if mentors.d.n
> > > accepts ~ in version numbers), or alternatively 1.0-0mentors1
> > > (decrease debian-revision by one, append a mentor-specific part).
> >
> > Gee, I real need to find back that document that wrote to use
> >
> >  1.0-0.1, 1.0-0.2, 1.0-0.3 etc for non official debian packages.
> I don't think this is a good idea, because those numbers are used for
> non-maintainer uploads.  You could have different versions with the same
> number, one uploaded to m.d.n and the other uploaded to the main archive
> as an NMU.  It's also confusing because it looks like an NMU.

Offical Debian package numbers start with x.y.z-1, never as x.y.z-0
There is no harm that it _looks_ like a NMU, it does mean
no official Debian status. Please assume smart users that can tell 
the difference between zero and non zero.

> You could have different versions with the same
> number, one uploaded to m.d.n and the other uploaded to the main archive
> as an NMU.
What a b..ls..t, main archive wouldn't have a x.y.z-0.1
And when will happen x.y.z-1.1, a NMU on a mentors.debian.net package?

> I think numbers like 1.0-0test1 (where "test" can be any string) are
> best, if you need to create separate testing versions that will not be
> uploaded to the archive.  This method is used by other Debian developers
> including the XFree86 maintainers (c.f. xfree86 4.3.0-0pre1v3).

Yes, there are situations where it makes sense to have x.y.z-0pre1v3

> I use normal versions like 1.2.1-1 when uploading to m.d.n, and this
> hasn't caused any problems.  If no bugs are found in the m.d.n package,
> I send it to my sponsor to be uploaded with no further changes.

This conversation is about having _different_ package numbers in m.d.n.
and main archive, plus upgrade path to the offical package.

Do you and your users a favour, and use a way where you can have several
unofficial packages and smooth upgrade to the official package.
Say x.y.z-0.1, x.y.z-0sss1 or x.y.z-0whatever1. It is up to you to
choose, dpkg --compare-versions doesn't care.

Geert Stappers

sss : stupid short string

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