Adeodato Simó wrote:

>   hi,
>     I have some questions regarding FTBFS bugs. Sorry if they seem too
>     naive but I'm always afraid of doing something wrong and I thought
>     I'd better ask here then.
>       1. if a package fails in any buildd machine, thats a FTBFS bug per
>          se, right?
Uuuusually.  If it failed because the buildd admin killed it, it's not.

>       2. who can/should report FTBFS bugs when they occur in a buildd
>          machine? I've mostly seen them reported by the buildd's admin,
>          but cyrus-sasl2-mit failed on arm more than a month ago [1] (but
>          I noticed today) and there has been no bug report.
I report them a lot.

>       3. is it tracked anywhere (other than the bug report, non-existant
>          in this case) if this is being worked on?

>          Having a month 
>          passed, I'd assume that the maintainer isn't aware of this, but
>          I really can't tell.
>     So I'm mainly asking if it is OK to file the bug myself, and if
>     that should be reported elsewhere.
>   TIA and sorry for the annoyance,
>   [1]

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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