Hello mentors!

I have packaged Sailcut CAD, a sail design and plotting software which my
father and I have been writing for several years. Sailcut has a strong
userbase (give Google a run) which was traditionally Windows-based, but two
years ago we switched to C++/Qt to reach a broader audience the feedback we
received shows that this userbase is extending to free OS'es. To the
best of my knowledge this is the only sail plotting package that is Free
Software so I think it would be an interesting addition to Debian.
=> Here is the information from the ITP bug I filed:

* Package name    : sailcut
  Version         : 0.7.0
  Upstream Authors: Robert Lainé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
                    Jeremy Lainé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             : http://sailcut.sourceforge.net/
* License         : GPL
  Description     : A sail design and plotting software

Sailcut CAD is a sail design and plotting software which allows you to
design and visualise your own sails and compute the accurate development
of all panels in flat sheets.  You can export the sails you create to
DXF, plaintext or Carlson plotter files.

Sailcut CAD's user interface is available in English, French, Dutch,
German, Italian and Norwegian.

=> About the package:

The package is both Lintian and Linda clean and it is available from
mentors.d.o :


I am not yet a Debian Developer, but I maintain the package "diogenes" and I
have started the NM process.

Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to reading your suggestions
on how to improve the package and/or offers for sponsorship!


http://www.jerryweb.org/         : JerryWeb.org
http://sailcut.sourceforge.net/  : Sailcut CAD
http://mpf70.sourceforge.net/    : MPman MP-F70 support for Linux

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