I have a patch for a critical bug in a minor Debian package, the package maintainer isn't responding about it. The package scrawls debug messages all over stdout when used, apparently due to difference in use of YYDEBUG between Potato's lex and Sid's. Please could someone do an NMU for me ? If I'm wrong in requesting one, how else should I go about getting it fixed ?
The package is libsql-statement-perl The bug is http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=162167 The fix is http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi/libsql-statement-perl.diff?bug=162167&msg=12&att=1 I'd really appreciate it, this bug is 18 months old, and makes the package useless in Debian 3.1. Thankyou Nick