On Mon, 24 May 2004 22:08:51 +0200
Jeroen van Wolffelaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some remarks, not that I'm not a Debian Developer (yet), but before
> leo can be included in Debian, these issues need to be resolved anyway

Thanks for your reply, its helps a lot.

I repackaged leo, I hope it solves the problems you are pointing out.

You will find it in http://foobbs.org/debian/leo/

> - The .diff.gz is huge, because you included a number of html files
>   ripped from a website. Please don't do that this way.

I ripped it off. The contents of this documentation are in the
LeoDocs.leo, anyway.

> - Not your fault (see date of original message), but a new upstream is
>   available


> - If you include your own manpage (great that you've written one --
>   did you sent it upstream already?), as sgml. You included the
>   generated manpage in the .diff.gz: don't do that, have build it into
>   debian/<package>, leo.1 is a generated file.

Fixed. I also switched to XML DocBook.

As for sending the man-page upstream, I will make a bundle with some
patches to fix hard-coded paths I needed to change by hand.

> - debian/rules: don't invoke programs with /usr/bin/<program>, but
>   simply <program> (docbook-to-man)

Fixed - but this time with xsltproc.

> - You fail to build-depend on debhelper and python

Fixed for debhelper, and for Python there is no build-depend, at least
in the current package.

> - In debian/control, use ${python:Depends}, in stead of hardcoding the
>   python dependencies

I tried to use it, but it gives bad results : it does not detects the
need for python-tk, and requires python2.3, even if python2.2 can be

> - I don't think it's priority 'optional', see
>   http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive#s-priorities

I do not see any other category that could fit. Could you be more
specific ?

> - Description: Capitalize it correctly, and don't start it with 'a',
>   but something like 'Literate editor ...'

Fixed. That policy was modified since 2002, isn't it ? I remember being
careful about this point.

> - Remove the dh-make generated example postinst.ex et al


> - debian/changelog: 'This is my first Debian package' -- Is that
>   relevant for this very package?

That's in the "Debian New Maintainers' Guide". I removed it.

> - debian/copyright: it has huge lines, you could reformat them to fit
>   78 chars

Fixed, except for the upstream URL.

> - leo(1): It's /usr/share/doc/, not /usr/doc (was already the case in
>   2002)


> - Is it really necessary to have both .GIF and .ico and .bmp's in
>   /usr/share/leo/Icons? Also, the 'Thumbs.db' file seems to me as an
>   artifect of a certain Operating System, and shouldn't be installed
>   in/usr/share

Fixed, the .bmp files do not seem to be used by the package.

> - When running leo just after installing, I get this:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/leo/leo.py", line 190, in ?
>     shutil.copyfile('/etc/leo/leoConfig.leo',
>     os.path.join(deb_user_conf_path, '/leoConfig.leo'))
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/shutil.py", line 38, in copyfile
>     fdst = open(dst, 'wb')
> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/leoConfig.leo'
> Which indicates to me leo is trying to write to the root filesystem.

Fixed. I wrote a specific /usr/bin/leo script to setup user-specific
configuration files.

> Also, upon installation you should somehow create precompiled python
> files (*.pyc). I don't know python myself, but there must be some
> preferred way to do so, iirc there is a (unofficial?) python policy.

Yes : there even are autogenerated postinst and prerm scripts by
debhelper for this. But as Leo has to work with both python2.2 and
python2.3, I do not see a correct way to handle the generation of .pyc
for both versions (except packaging two versions of Leo).


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