
It's been a month since I've last poked at this thread, but I
would once more like to ask if anyone would take a look at my
PennMUSH package and possibly consider sponsoring it. I have
kept it up to date with upstream releases, and thanks to Joel
Baker's input in previous months, I believe the package is
fairly clean.

To overview the package again, it is for PennMUSH, a flavor of mud
(Multi-User Dungeon) server in the MUSH branch. It is one of the more
popular packages in that category, and as such something I'd like to
provide in a convenient manner for Debian users who are just starting
to learn and use the server, as well as easing the burden on those who
provide more generic MUSH hosting services.

All of the files can be downloaded from:


Even if you don't have the interest in sponsoring the package, I'd
appreciate any feedback that can be given about the package.

Ervin Hearn III


 ----- Ervin Hearn III -----| KorongilMUSH Code & Theme Wizard
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.korongil.org/
 http://noltar.korongil.org | telnet://mush.korongil.org:6250
 'Myth based on Legend, Legend based on Fact, Fact is Reality.'
 - Noltar uth Mormadar

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