
On Sat, 2004-05-22 at 22:12, Halil Demirezen wrote:
> I checked the web url I have submitted to the Spons. program. It was down
> so many times. Today I uploaded my last knowlan package with version number
> 0.1.1. The author of the program is me. Let's check out
> http://www.pisus.com/projects/debian/. I am looking for some sponsors. :)
> Else, give some ideas about the package whether i've packed it well and 
> what kind of lackness does it suffer. 
> Sincerely...
> -halil

Well, there is some problems with your package that you should fix:

- You must create a manpage for this program.

- Please write interesting things (for users) into debian/README.debian

- Standards-Version should be 3.6.1 instead of 3.5.8.

- Please remove unnecessary comments of debian/rules.

Most of this problems could be detected using a package checker, as
'lintian' or 'linda'. 

It seems that you haven't read the documentation about how to handle
with dependences. Please check the documentation (developer-reference,
maint-guide, debian-policy)

To check dependencies problems, you could use pbuilder, or setup a
minimal chroot environment to test your package. Check [1] to know how
to do this.

[1] http://people.cintegral.cl/~bruno/chroot.pdf

That's for start.

Good Luck,

" In this life we are Kings or Pawns. Emperors or Fools "

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