I'm trying to make a virtual package 'slapd' on my own APT archive.

I add the following to the control file. I have packages for 2.0,
2.1 and 2.2 (all with almost identical control files).

----- s n i p -----
Package: slapd2.0
Conflicts: umich-ldapd, ldap-server, slapd
Replaces: slapd
Provides: ldap-server, slapd
----- s n i p -----

The problem is that there's a REAL 'slapd' package on the Debian
GNU/Linux APT archive(s) which seem to override _my_ virtual

I would like to have my packages to override the 'original' one
(they have A LOT newer version).

Does anyone have an idea if this is possible? I've made virtual
packages before (the nagios package is one such), but I've never
(that I can remember) had the problem with an existing package
with the same name as the virtual package...
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