On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 08:59:32AM +0200, Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
> Hi,
>    I'm the mantainer of phpldapadmin, a web-based tool for managing ldap
> servers. I'm not (yet!) an official Debian developer, so I asked for a
> sponsor. He checked my package and uploaded in the unstable debian
> archive about ten days ago...
> Here my questions: 
> - how long takes the verification process and when will be the package
>   available in unstable? How can I monitor the state of the package?

Whenever somebody of the ftp-master team checks your package, and does
the necessary paperwork on it. Usually one to two weeks, but it can be
slightly longer.
> - A new minor upstream version is available for the package, my sponsor
>   told me it is better to wait the package enters in unstable before
>   send the new version, because every upload before this happens "reset
>   the timer" and I have to wait more time to see my package in unstable.

That is only true for unstable -> testing progress, this is _not_ true
for NEW processing (what this is). So you can have this uploaded right
away, and the newest of the two will apprear in unstable.

I don't know exactly, but it might be that there is a potential problem
closing bugs with the first upload (both are progressed to unstable
simultaneously, and if the older one is refused because the newer one
happens to get there first, it's bugs aren't closed). I'm not sure
though whether this issue exists.


Jeroen van Wolffelaar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (also for Jabber & MSN; ICQ: 33944357)

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