Hi Matthew,

Thanks for taking the time to look at the package! I have a few
questions, especially regarding the database configuration.

> * No WNPP bug filed.

fixed, I have filed an ITP

> * Communicates with the user via the console.  Consider using debconf
> notes instead if it's vitally important.

I suppose you are refering to the postinst script where a message is
displayed if it was not possible to determine the group of the
webserver process? This was lifted from the horde2 package, but you are
right this is not ideal. My problem is that the we only know if we
cannot get "webgroup" variable once we have run the
/usr/share/wwwconfig-common/apache-run.get script. Should I call this
from the config script and display a message at that time?

> * "If you chose one of the first three options" on a question that
> only has two options in total...

oops, fixed!

> * I never got asked the DB admin questions, so installation failed.

I am not sure how this can happen, you should at least have been
prompted for the password as this is marked as "critical". What level
did you select for debconf questions so that I can try to reproduce
this? I noticed that in Horde2's scripts, these questions are asked
*both* in the "config" and the "postinst" scripts, although I was under
the impression that there should not be any "db_input" calls from

> contents of/usr/share/doc cannot be relied upon to exist.  You'll need
> to move your installation scripts somewhere else
> (/usr/share/diogenes/scripts, possibly).


> * The permissions setting script is a hack.  The gods gave us GRANT
> for a reason.

quite right, I now use wwwconfig-common's "createuser" script

> * Automatic installation failed to properly install the apache config.

what exactly happened? did /etc/diogenes/apache.conf not get included,
or was apache not restarted so that the changes did not take effect?

> * Due to the problems getting the dbadmin info, no proper cleanup of
> the database or apache config was done.  

what do you mean by "database cleanup" ? I had not intended the database
to be dropped, as this could lead to unintented data loss. Maybe I
should ask the user upon installation whether he/she wants to get rid of
Diogenes data (both database and files in /var/spool/diogenes and
/var/lib/diogenes) when Diogenes is removed ?

> The .dpkg-dist files from ucf weren't cleaned up on purge, either.

fixed, I now clean the .dpkg-dist, .dpkg-new and .dpkg-old files

> Assuming you're intending to become a Debian Developer in the future,
> I'm happy to sponsor uploads of this package

Definitely, the way I see it it would be pointless to upload the
packages if I didn't intend to become DD at some point in the future,
they would risk becoming unmaintained! On a sidenote, my GPG key was
already signed by Andreas Schuldei when we met in Stockholm.


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