
I am looking for a sponsor for "Diogenes", a web content management system. 
Here is the relevant information:

Package           : diogenes
License           : GPL v2
Upstream          : Jeremy Lainé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL               : http://opensource.polytechnique.org/diogenes/
Short description : Web content management system
Long description  :

 The Diogenes web content management system allows you to create, host and
 manage web sites through a web interface and/or WebDAV. You can host several
 independent sites on a single server and even have them run on separate
 virtualhosts. Diogenes offers fine-grained control of the read and write
 permissions of the pages making up a site.

The packages are lintian and linda clean and have undergone quite a bit of
testing. The debconf scripts are adapted from Horde's (cf. messages on 
this list a few months back) and I made sure to use po-debconf as stated
in the latest version of the policy. I would be happy to provide any
extra information that might be needed.

The packages can be found here:

deb http://opensource.polytechnique.org/debian/ ./
deb-src http://opensource.polytechnique.org/debian/ ./


http://www.jerryweb.org/         : JerryWeb.org
http://sailcut.sourceforge.net/  : Sailcut CAD
http://mpf70.sourceforge.net/    : MPman MP-F70 support for Linux

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