I firmly believe the ancient pagan, hebrew, and Christian tradition that 
To Know Something's Name Is To Control It.

My package is named pim.  It might be aleithia (gr. "truth", literally 
"unhidden; to shine light on") or it might be tbpim or it might be tdb 
(Tom Ballard Database) or it might be pdb (Personal Database) or it 
might be aleithia-pim.

But right now the best name for the binary is pim.  "pim d" - edit my 
data.  "pim c" - edit my credit cards.  "pim w" - track my weight.

Can I name the package something like {pim-tb,tbpim,aleithia}, still 
name the binary /usr/bin/pim, and conflict with whoever else just has to 
be called pim?

Later on it *may* grow into something more multiuser and substantial, at 
which point it will no longer be pim.

What should I do?

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