On Tuesday 16 March 2004 18:23, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 06:16:48PM -0500, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:
> > See bug 219151.  The wvdial package prompts the user by hand during
> > installation instead of using debconf.  Isn't this against the policy?
> Only a "should", not a "must".
> > If so, shouldn't that bug be release critical instead of important?
> "Should" violations aren't release-critical. Also, it's not listed here:
>   http://release.debian.org/sarge_rc_policy.txt
> > Is it worth trying to change that so that this gets fixed for Sarge?
> It may be worth trying to fix it nevertheless.
Feel free to send me the patch, and NMU it during the weekend bug squashing 
party, but as indicated, it's a *SHOULD*, and so I've left it at important, 
which takes it out of "release critical" and into the "I'll fix it when we 
actually release WvDial 2.0" pile of stuff.

Patrick Patterson
Technical Ambassador
Net Integration Technologies R&D

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