Back in December, I tried to have a few people test this little app I 

It wasn't too successful as a first effort.  I think I've made it more 
"normal" now.

I've created Sid source and binary debs of it with debuild and also I 
think the tarball is more easily buildable.  I still haven't written a 
lick of documentation or readme.

After you make it or install the deb, run "src/pim" (make) or "pim".  
After that try "pim d".  It saves its data in ~/.pim; create that.

Copy d-schema.xml to ~/.pim/foo-schema and you can run "pim foo" and the 
data will be stored in ~/.pim/foo.xml.

It is a little quick-and-dirty single-user, small, relational database 
engine designed for personal type data.  I find it highly useful.


Should I *not* post this type of thing here?  How about debian-user?

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