Andreas Schuldei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> yes, i read -mentors.

OK, so only followup to -mentors ;-)

>>   About it, Why does your package is called 'jbofh-swing' and upstream
>>   is called 'cerebrum'.
> because of the non-free dependecies i do not build the java
> client (with swing gui) in the main cerebrum package, but i split
> it out into its own package, which then can go into contrib.
> otherwise the whole package would need to be in contrib just
> because of one (of two) java clients. like this the main package
> can go into main.

OK, So the review was just for a part of the whole thing. You are
right. RedHat, gcj guys and classpath guys are working hard to provide
Swing but it'll take some month... But ATM it's the best solution...

>>   Upstream Authors: Are Engstrom <areen at>
> lol
> thank you for your efford. (c:
> i will bluntly copy this to my packages.


> ...
> and here comes all the java stuff i had no clue about. this is
> actually more and better explanation then i had hoped for. thank
> you very much.

No problem ;-)


 : :' :rnaud
 `. `'  

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