
>> > - remove xmms from the dependency list and move it to suggests (which
>> > is not handled by apt)
>> i think this would be the best option.

>my concern here, as I told Till, was that he would be shipping a package
>which would fail for some people right out of the box.
>Debian has long had a tradition that once a package was installed it was
>fully functioning.

I have the problem of wanting Kopete on my server (for remote X logins)
but definitely _not_ wanting xmms (or anything to do with sound output for
that matter).

I agree totally, however, that packages should be fully functional once
installed, but in my case, Kopete would be no less functional without xmms

In any case, Kopete would not be the first package to be non
fully-functional due to a "Recommended" package not being installed.

I would be happy if either of the following solutions were implemented:

1. Make xmms "Recommended" (as already suggested)

2. Split the Kopete package into two (or more packages): the base package,
and then separate packages for plugins that depend on major pieces of
external software (as yet there's only this "Now listening" plugin).

I think the latter would be the best option, personally.

Daniel Carter
(a slightly annoyed SysAdmin who doesn't want to install xmms)

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