On Oct 29 2004, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> From: Rogério Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > The only program that uses Java that I use regularly is PPower4, a
> > post-processor for generating presentations with (La)TeX.
> Great!

Yes, now with Free JVM in testing, one can work much more conveniently with
PPower4 for generating presentations.

I could never make other software like prosper work the way I wanted, which
is why I keep on using PPower4 and wanted to see it packaged.

> Only from a quick look, why orig.tar.gz contains only
> pp2p.jar?  I suspect style files (and documentation or
> samples ?) could be also included.

I received a feedback from Frank Küster on debian-mentors and I made some
improvements to the package already.

The problem was that upstream didn't include a tarball. All he distributes
is the jar file, a wrapper shell script for calling the jar file (which I
adapted to meet things that I would think that would be reasonable in
Debian) and a bunch of style files. I also had to grab the manual

I now remade the orig.tar.gz to include all these items (the jar file, the
wrapper shell script, the style files and the manual in PDF format as well
as a minimal man page generated with help2man) and uploaded it again to my
homepage: <http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/debian/>

> I think it will make the package much useful if you
> included documentation and samples.

This is already corrected.

> You should call texhash in postrm too, I guess. 
> (Uh, perhaps mktexlsr might be better than texhash, 
> the latter is now only a symlink of the former.)

After Frank's comments, I fixed the package to call texhash on postrm (I
had forgotten to include it).

BTW, I didn't know that mktexlsr would be better than texhash. I will
update the package with that in mind now.

> # I don't know Java, sorry.

I tried following what I found to be the Debian Sub-Policy on Java, but I
am not sure that I got the things right, since I am quite new to Java (only
started learning some small bits of Java when JVMs entered main in

I now would appreciate if developers from debian-java could shed some
comments on the java-side packaging of PPower4.

Thank you very much for your feedback, Rogério.

P.S.: Please keep me on Cc's, if possible.
  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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