my name is Jose Manuel Delgado Mendinueta, Telecomunnications student
at the University of Valladolid, Spain.
I'm working in colaboration with Telematic Engineering Department, and
we use the cnet network simulator program in our lessons, for students
to practise
the theoretical concepts.
In order to let the pupils to work at they homes, I make a Knoppix custom CD
with the cnet program, so i package it.
I think it will be cool to put the cnet program in the main Debian
and maintain it so pupils can install it easily, without need of a
custom Knoppix
I have packaged two versions of cnet versus unstable distribution, so i
have the
ability of upgrade the package (and of course create it ;)).
I put the package information next:
Name: cnet
Licence: GPL
Short Description: A X11 TclTK based network simulator program
Long Description:
Cnet allows you to simulate data link layer network protocols, by
programming the protocolo in C language. Also, you specify the
topology of the simulated network.
Cnet compiles your source and dinamically links it, and the
simulation begins. It is a graphical program, so you cand view
your simulated packes travelling on your virtual network.
Location: apt -> deb http://gsic.tel.uva.es/debian-packges
web ->
Many thanks in advance by your attention. Hope somebody wants to sponsor
my package.