On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 01:51:54AM +0000, James Troup wrote:
> Use the anonymous upload queue on ftp-master.  I believe you want to
> use something like "dupload --to anonymous-ftp-master foo.changes" for
> dupload and "dput ftp-master foo.changes" for, err, dput.  But I don't
> use either of these programs and haven't tested that.

dupload --to anonymous-ftp-master foo.changes
 worked fine two days ago; but now it does not work any more;
 it says "cannot create file"

I attach my dupload.conf

what am I doing wrong?


Andrea Mennucc
 "one houndred and fifty - the chicken sings"
# This is the configuration for dupload.
# It is intended to be read and evaluated from Perl.
### PLEASE READ THE dupload.conf(5) MANUAL PAGE
# reading the dupload(1) manual page is also advisable

package config;

# Global variables:
# $default_host  - the host to use if no --to option is used
# $no_parentheses_to_fullname - boolean, as its name says
# Per-host variables:
# fqdn          - full hostname
# method        - ftp, scp, scpb or rsync
#                 (defaults to ftp)
# login         - user name to use on the remote host
#                 (defaults to 'anonymous' for FTP and local username for SSH 
#                 use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for firewall logins
# incoming      - directory where to upload first
# queuedir      - directory where to move if upload succeeded
# mailto        - address for announcement email (stable)
# mailtx        - address for announcement email (unstable)
# cc            - address for carbon copy of the announcement email
# fullname      - the full name to use in the announcement email
#                 (defaults to what your local MTA uses)
# visibleuser   - the username to use in the announcement email
#                 (defaults to local username)
# visiblename   - the domainname to use in the announcement email
#                 (defaults to what your local MTA uses)

# Example of a default host:
#$default_host = "ftp-master";

$cfg{'ftp-master'} = {
        fqdn => "ftp-master.debian.org",
        method => "scpb",
        incoming => "/org/ftp.debian.org/incoming/",
        # The dinstall on ftp-master sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,
$cfg{'anonymous-ftp-master'} = {
        fqdn => "ftp-master.debian.org",
        incoming => "/pub/UploadQueue/",
        # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,

# Upload queue in place of the old canonical Incoming directory
# Note: this is no longer the "right" place to upload to, it's as good
#       as any other upload queue
$cfg{master} = {
        fqdn => "master.debian.org",
        method => "scpb",
        incoming => "/home/Debian/ftp/private/project/Incoming/",
        # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,

$cfg{chiark} = {
        fqdn => "ftp.chiark.greenend.org.uk",
        incoming => "/pub/debian/private/project/Incoming/",
        queuedir => "../queue/",
        # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,

$cfg{erlangen} = {
        fqdn => "ftp.uni-erlangen.de",
        incoming => "/public/pub/Linux/debian/UploadQueue/",
        # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,

$cfg{uk} = {
        fqdn => "ftp.uk.debian.org",
        incoming => "debian/UploadQueue/",
        # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,

$cfg{jp} = {
        fqdn => "master.debian.or.jp",
        incoming => "/pub/Incoming/upload/",
        # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,

$cfg{samosa} = {
        fqdn => "samosa.debian.org",
        incoming => "/pub/UploadQueue/",
        # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,

# pandora
$cfg{'non-us'} = {
        fqdn => "non-us.debian.org",
        method => "scpb",
        incoming => "/org/non-us.debian.org/incoming",
        # The dinstall on pandora sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,
$cfg{'anonymous-non-us'} = {
        fqdn => "non-us.debian.org",
        incoming => "/org/non-us.debian.org/incoming",
        # files pass on to dinstall on pandora which sends emails itself
        dinstall_runs => 1,

# Don't remove the following line.  Perl needs it.

## Local Variables: ##
## mode:perl ##
## End: ##
package config;
       $default_host = "ftp-master";
       $cfg{"ftp-master"}{"method"} = "scpb";
       $cfg{"ftp-master"}{"login"} = "mennucc1";
       $cfg{"non-us"}{"method"} = "scpb";
       $cfg{"non-us"}{"login"} = "mennucc1";

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