Hi all,

I've just added a i386 port of libcharva1-jni but I don't know if it
will be apt-get'able.

Many thanks for your time and comments,

  .''`. Arnaud Vandyck
 : :' : http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/
 `. `'  
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Request For Tests (and for Review and for Comments)

Hi all,

It's the first time I package a jni library ('java native interface')
with a java library. Charva uses native bindings to render buttons,
listboxes etc. in a terminal.

You can apt-get libcharva1-java and libcharva1-jni here:
deb http://people.debian.org/myjava/charva/ ./
deb-src http://people.debian.org/myjava/charva/ ./

You can build the examples (don't forget to put
/usr/share/java/charva.jar in your classpath) and run it but
README.Debian first! ;)

Note: You can answer me in private,
      the result will be in the pool asap.

Warning: It's in contrib and you'll need a jdk to build and a jre to
         run... maybe nonfree jdk and jre at the moment.

Best regards and many thanks for your time and patience,

  .''`. Arnaud Vandyck
 : :' : http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/
 `. `'  http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/myjava/

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