Hi everybody, I've just come here and wish to join soon the 
        Debian Project. After reading some documentation, I've 
        generated a PGP key and reached the nearest Debian Developer
        in my country to get the key signed. I got it, but 
        he warned me that the key should better NOT expire, whilst I
        generated a key with an expire date of 1 year from that day.

        Is that a problem ?
        I mean, should I generate a new key and get back to him
        with that to be signed again? Isn't there any way to avoid 
        going back and meet him _physically_ ?
        Currently, I am looking for a ``mentor'', while the developer I
        met could be my ``sponsor''. Maybe I misunderstood something,
        and he could be them both. In advance, I would show you my 
        creature; I packaged a pre-preview here:


        It is a SGML DTD and tools; some documentations about :
        http://www.lulli.net/paolo/hack.html --> PLML
        I know I should write some more man pages, but `lintian' says 
        something more I cannot understand:
        E: plml: FSSTND-dir-in-usr usr/man/ 
        W: plml: unknown-section unknown        
        Paolo Lulli

 Home Page:       www.lulli.net
 email:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]     

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