> > > dpkg-statoverride --update --add root audio 4754 \ > > > /usr/bin/jackstart > > [...] > > > If jackstart always _requires_ SUID root you should not use > > dpkg-statoverride but ship it SUID in the deb. > > If it requires SUID root, then the package is almost certainly buggy. > Please use a privileged audio device user instead; I'm aware of no > reason that audio software should need general root privileges.
Sorry to not clarify earlier - it doesn't, in fact. But for it to perform well (eg. realtime multitrack recording, FX-ing and mixing, it needs to have realtime scheduling. And this requires root privilege. jackstart is a program that uses "capabilities" (still trying to figure out how that is different to suid, and whether my kernel has it) to start jackd with appropriate scheduling priority. JACK = Jack Audio Connection Kit, for any interested cheers zen