Does it make sense for a separate "community" style distribution, such
as DeMuDi (Debian Multimedia Distribution - see

AGNULA is making a Red-Hat based (ReHMuDi) as well as the Debian based

In my mind, at least before Fedora, it makes sense to have a "red hat
based distro", so as to have an "open" development forum for the
development of the distro.

For Debian however, we already have that, so I don't understand why
DeMuDi doesn't simply work with SID proper, and integrate themselves
into the existing Debian development process...

if someone can explain this to me, I'd be appreciative.

As a point of reference, below is the README.WHATSNEXT file found at the
Demudi download site,

I note the the last sentence asking "Any hint on how to best contribute
to Debian should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]".

(And for those interested, the reason I'm pursuing this is I'm trying to
find qjackconnect packaged for Debian somewhere...).



What will happen after this release?

Well, to put it shortly:

- we  are rewriting our  build system, which is more  or less a set of
spaghetti code not too suited  for quality control, collaboration, and
all  those goodies that help  making a good distribution.  Well, there
is nothing like trying to build a distro to  learn the do and don't of
building a distro. :)

The new  build system will  most probably  be  heavily based on Debian
build  daemon scripts.   The planned date   for deployment of the  new
build  infrastructure is 15-20 August.   If  you want any information,
don't hesitate  to write us at [EMAIL PROTECTED],  but  please bear with
any  late reply: we  will  be very busy  doing what  we should  answer

- there  are   some  packages which    didn't  make it   into  the 1.0
distribution that we  absolutely  want to   put in  the next  release.
Namely  ardour and PlanetCCRMA  software.   Of course, if *you*  would
like to see any software inside AGNULA/DeMuDi, write us.  Keep in mind
that we can only  (and only want  to) package "free" software (free as
in `free speech', not as in `free beer', of course).

- we are   evaluating switching from  woody to  sarge or  to a precise
snapshot of sid as the base system to build on.  Woody is too old, and
backporting packages to it has become really cumbersome - and tends to
substract forces from our already scarcely sized team.

- we  are trying to  understand  how best we   can contribute back  to
Debian.  There are  already  some packages,  made by us,  which we are
just  waiting to polish a  bit  before uploading  them  to the  Debian
archive.  Any hint on how to best contribute to  Debian should be sent

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