I had asked for a sponsor a couple months ago for my ITA of wmakerconf and
wmakerconf-data, but the person who agreed to sponsor them hasn't
responded to my emails lately.  Could I get another sponsor for these two
packages?  They close several extant bugs (the ones I've tagged "pending"
at http://bugs.debian.org/wmakerconf ).  I've also done some bug triage

The packages can be obtained here:
deb-src http://borex.princeton.edu/~kmccarty/ unstable main
deb http://borex.princeton.edu/~kmccarty/ unstable main # powerpc only

Here are my changelog entries:

wmakerconf (2.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
  * New maintainer (closes: #182934)
  * New upstream version (closes: #146498)
  * Change copyright file to reflect new download location (home page
    http://ulli.on.openave.net/wmakerconf/ has gone AWOL) 
  * Suggest www-browser virtual package instead of netscape (closes: #138834)
  * Use sensible-browser to open homepage URL instead of netscape
  * Build-Depend on libwraster2-dev, not libwraster2
  * Remove "libxpm4-dev, libpng2-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libungif4-dev |
    libungif3g-dev | giflib3g-dev, libtiff3g-dev, zlib1g-dev"
    from Build-Depends since these are all dependencies of libwraster2-dev,
    as pointed out by James Troup (closes: #180207; partly fixes #194193).
  * Add Build-Depends on xlibs-dev for #include of X11/keysym.h.
  * Bump wmakerconf-data dependency to version 0.80.0 (0.62.0 causes segfault)
  * Remove assorted docs from /usr/share/wmakerconf (except MANUAL since it's
    required by the online help) and add README to /usr/share/doc/wmakerconf
  * Update wmakerconf.1 man page
  * Remove #!/usr/bin/perl line from wget.pl as it isn't executable
  * src/themebrowser.c: Fix segmentation fault on exit (partly fixes #60863)
  * Apply updated Danish po-file from Morten Bo Johansen (closes: #170562)
  * Standards-Version now 3.5.10:
    - Update autotools files (to version 20030519.1), regenerate
      Makefile.in, configure, etc., and add lines to debian/rules as suggested
      by autotools-dev README.Debian file
    - Support debug and noopt flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS in debian/rules
  * Replace proplist-compat.h macros by WUtil.h functions and remove
    libproplist0-dev from Build-Depends
  * Use RReleaseImage() instead of deprecated RDestroyImage()

 -- Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Mon,  4 Aug 2003 11:29:21 -0400

wmakerconf-data (0.80.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New maintainer (closes: #182935)
  * New upstream version
  * Change copyright file to reflect new download location (home page
    http://ulli.on.openave.net/wmakerconf/ has gone AWOL)
  * Conflict against wmakerconf << 2.9
  * Update autotools files: install-sh, missing, mkinstalldirs
  * Standards-Version now 3.5.10:
    - Change Build-Depends to Build-Depends-Indep
    - Add lines to debian/rules as suggested by autotools-dev README.Debian

 -- Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 23 May 2003 09:20:11 +0200


Kevin McCarty                Physics Department
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Princeton University
www.princeton.edu/~kmccarty  Princeton, NJ 08544

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