El sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2003, a las 16:38, Jarno Elonen escribe:
> I wrote a helpfull Python script this morning and have successfully filtered 
> about 60(!) virus mails with it today already.

I further tried your script. I hope this info is useful for you in
order to debug it.

The script works nicely on my laptop sid installation. Here, python
version is 2.3-4. I moved it to a server running woody, whose
installed python version was 2.1.3-3.2. This version features no email
module, so I have installed python2.2 (2.2.1-4.2) and changed your
script header accordingly. Nevertheless, procmail log shows that
something is still failing:

procmail: Executing "/home/ismael/bin/mpartinfo2hdr.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ismael/bin/mpartinfo2hdr.py", line 59, in ?
    if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
AttributeError: Message instance has no attribute
procmail: Program failure (1) of "/home/ismael/bin/mpartinfo2hdr.py"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded

For which version of python did you develop your script? In the worst
case, I hope backporting python2.3 to woody won't be tricky.

Anyway, thanks for your effort.

Regards, Ismael
"Tout fourmille de commentaries; d'auteurs il en est grande cherté"

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