Hi all, I'd like someone to sponsor libi18n-java which I need to build the next release of argouml. The package is Lintian clean and I am waiting for DAM.
http://vbstefi60.fapse.ulg.ac.be/~arnaud/libi18n-java-0.1.tar.gz Description: internationalization library for java This library helps internationalization of java applications. More information will be available in next version of the package, I'm waiting for upstream. . This library is needed by argouml but next releases will be helpful for other java applications. . HomePage: http://jhraigniac.freesurf.fr/i18n-lib/ debian/changelog libi18n-java (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release (closes: #203148). -- Arnaud Vandyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mon, 28 Jul 2003 02:50:33 +0200 (I did not change the changelog but I did modify the description) Many thanks for your time and help, Best regards, -- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg Formateur Cellule Programmation.
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