* Neil Roeth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> The approach I took with a multi-binary package that I created from scratch
> was to do the configure and make, then set DESTDIR to $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp,
> export it, and do the make install.  This puts everything into the directory
> hierarchy below debian/tmp.  So far, nothing package specific.  Then, I told
> the debhelper tools where to put things by creating files <package>.install
> for each binary package, then calling dh_install once for each package with
> the option -p<package>.  This makes it install the files for each package into
> the appropriate subdirectory of debian/ for that package.

You don't need to call dh_install for each package. You may do just
one dh_install (without -p option) call and it will install the files
in the appropriate subdirectories. 

Goedson Teixeira Paixao

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