On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 10:30:46PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> Question: how do you manage upstream and Debian branches? I encounter
> this problem while trying to find the best concept for svn-uupdate.
> The first idea was:
> branches/upstream/a.b   ----------------------->  branches/upstream/a.c
>  |                     (svn cp + copy of new src)       |
>  | (svn cp + .diff.gz)                                  |
>  |                                                      | (svn merge w/ trunk)
>  V                                                      V
> trunk                 ------------------------->    updated trunk
>   |                         (svn merge with a.c)
>   |
>   V
> tags/a.b-7
> However, a possible implementation failed completely because of
> stupideness of "svn merge". 

What _stupidness_ are you refering to?  I've always just used something

   svn merge http://pkg/upstream/a.b http://pkg/upstream/current trunk

Where http://pkg/upstream/current always contains the latest version of
the upstream source and http://pkg/upstream/a.b is a tag of it (svn cp)
at some time in the past.

I maintain http://pkg/upstream/current with svn_load_dirs.

Jamin W. Collins

This is the typical unix way of doing things: you string together lots
of very specific tools to accomplish larger tasks. -- Vineet Kumar

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