For about a year now there has been GPL version of Snob, the automatic
classifier that uses Minimum Message Length for induction. It is quite
advanced and has consistently outperformed NASA's autoclass in published
comparisons, which is more remarkable considering that it was first 
written in 1968.
I packaged this awhile back but didn't try to become an official 
developer. I would now like to make Snob (technically snob-vanilla) a 
part of Debian, so I need a mentor. Marco has already agreed to help me 
with matplotlib, but here's a package I've already done.

The website with description, documentation, and links to the .deb files 

The .deb files are available 
The direct package links (x86, ppc) are:

Thanks for any help. Now while you think about that, on to matplotlib. 
Well, after the next job application. :-)


Charles R. Twardy               Monash University, School of CSSE
ctwardy at alumni indiana edu   +61(3) 9905 5823 (w)  5146 (fax)
  "eloquence ought to be banish'd out of all civil Societies as a
   thing fatal to Peace and good Manners..."          ~Sprat 1667

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