Hello all, I'm maintaining a rather small program, root-tail, which puts it's binary in /usr/X11R6/bin/, for (AFAICT) no particularly good reason. There is an Imakefile that is part of the original distribution, but somewhere along the line, someone wrote a standard Makefile for it (this program has forked so many times and gone through so many hands it's unclear who did what or when). Now that the program no longer needs to use xmkmf, I'd like to move the binary to /usr/bin, where it seems to me it really belongs - it's not part of the X distribution, and it's not so complicated that it really needs to use the Imakefile for anything.
Any comments on this? Am I making wrong assumptions here? My understanding is that one should avoid /usr/X11R6/bin when possible, and that's what I'm trying to accomplish. TIA, -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' : [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `' Debian user, admin, and developer | | `- http://www.debian.org | -----------------------------------------------------------------
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