
I'm seeking a sponsor for the following fine package. It might be especially
interesting for German developers doing/intending to do home banking.

Location: http://vman.de/chipcard/sid/forupload/

Lintian warnings: One (1): new policy.

Rationale for inclusion into Debian:
*Many* (~50%?) users of libopenhbci (e.g. via gnucash-hbci or aqmoney (to be
packaged)) will *need* this plugin which was split from libopenhbci (at version
0.9.10). I've been providing it on my private site for a few weeks. It has been
downloaded from my medium profile web site ~50 times with a slightly increasing
tendency, I've not received any complaints yet. People who didn't find the link
sometimes ask about this.


* Package name    : libopenhbci-plugin-ddvcard
  Version         : 0.3
  Upstream Authors:
    Fabian Kaiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Martin Preuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Christian Stimming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             : http://www.openhbci.de/
* License         : LGPL
  Description     : DDV Chipcard Plugin for libopenhbci
    This plugin for libopenhbci enables libopenhbci to work with ddv
    HBCI chipcards (i.e. most cards save rsa). See libopenhbci and/or
    libchipcard for further details and check with chipcard-tools'
    "hbcicard type" whether you need this.

Supplementary Information:
- I'm presently maintaining the libchipcard package (sponsored by Brian May).
- I've checked with James, the libopenhbci debian maintainer about this ITP.
  (As libchipcard is rather closely related with libopenhbci and I'm
   heavily using it, we're coordinating anyway.)

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