Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Frank Kuster wrote:
> >users working with Debian woody often do not look at archived bugs when
> >reporting bugs on a package. Therefore it is likely that bugs that have
> >long been fixed in unstable, but will never be in woody will be reported
> >multiple times again.

I have been a victim of this problem myself.

> Imvvvho this a matter of personal taste, and the manual (the part I 
> snipped) can be taken as guideline instead of as bible. Personaly I'd 
> keep only these bugs open which _really_ get reported at least twice, 
> otherwise the BTS is to messy for me to work with.

I believe there are many people that look for bugs, won't find them,
but won't report them either.  Even if people do not report a bug it
benefits from from being able to see the bug in the BTS.  In this way
the BTS acts as a knowledge database.  Therefore I would like to see
bugs in stable kept open until the next stable fixes them.  I realize
there are technical issues to be resolved in the BTS in this area.


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