On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 03:54:32PM +0200, Luk Claes wrote: > > On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 02:48:28PM +0200, Luk Claes wrote: > > > > Huh? This package is *not* part of Debian. > > > > > > A little bit more information would be appreciated. > > > > Well, you just failed Debian Philosophy 101. > > > > Hint: non-free is not part of Debian, it merely uses Debian's > > infrastructure. > > Well I know all this. But I ment I want to have more information how it > will practically go. Does the patent problems have any implication on the > upload (to non-free)?
I don't see patent problems (which would, by current reckoning, mean it should head into non-US, anyway), what I see is a licence which is non-DFSG-free (specifically, the fourth clause listed in debian/copyright). If you're not sure why that clause is non-free, I shall recommend to you (and anyone else who wishes to become more informed about DFSG issues) the draft DFSG FAQ, at http://people.debian.org/~bap/dfsg-faq.html. Look for "Desert Island Test". > What am I supposed to do with the package or the patent issues? You can possibly get it sponsored into non-free. The patent issues are a mixed-bag - some DDs believe we should ignore them unless there is evidence of active enforcement, others have differing views. I believe it's a judgement call by the developer involved. If you want a more informed opinion than mine, summarise the patent issues and pass it on to debian-legal - there are plenty of people there just itching to have a chew on anything that comes their way. > Will there be any sponsor or can I better put my time in other packages / > bug fixes and the like? I think non-free is a bit of a dead horse, myself. There are no autobuilders for it, and you'll have a much smaller pool of DDs willing to sponsor it in. If you'd *really* like to win Debian brownie points, convince upstream to relicence agrep under a DFSG-free licence. Trimming clause 4 would do it, IMO. Hell, do that and *I'll* sponsor agrep in for you. - Matt