On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 05:07:00PM +0200, GCS wrote:
>  I would like to install postgres into a chroot environment, where the
> postinst script can't ask for the path where to create the database
> directory etc. How can I preset these data (like db_fset), so the
> postinst script can get the data via db_get? Or should I tamper with the
> postinst scipt, so build a new package from postgresql?

If you've got an existing install of postgresql somewhere else, you should
be able to take the config line out of /var/cache/debconf/config.dat on the
installed system and put it into the same place in your chroot.

There's probably a cleaner way to do it, and I hope someone can point said
cleaner way out.

- Matt
(Who knows grubby details about debconf internals, but has no clue about the
clean user-preferred ways of doing things)

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