On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:01 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm interested in working in the packages
> I mentioned in my e-mail
> fda: C malloc debug library (package info)


> judy: C library for creating and accessing dynamic arrays. 


> I may not have understood everything the right way:

You have to understand every thing in Debian Policy Manual and
Developer's Reference.


You also need to subcribe to various debian lists. In particular, you
must subscribe to debian-devel.

> i read:
> Applicants can find a sponsor by
> sending an email to <debian-mentors@lists.debian.org>
> describing their package and asking for a sponsor.
> Developers can find more information on how to be a sponsor
> in the Developer's Reference. 
> After reading all the documentation my conclusion was:
> 'the first thing to do is ask for a sponsor'. That's what I did.
> I'll be grateful if you tell me what's wrong and what should I
> do...maybe start programming? and then asking for someone to
> upload it.

You have to do some work before asking for a sponsor.

You need to change bug reports 192657 and 172772 to ITA (intent to
adopt). To do that send a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and cc debian-devel@lists.debian.org with the following three lines:

retitle 192657 ITA: fda -- C malloc debug library
retitle 172772 ITA: judy -- C library for creating and accessing dynamic arrays

After the stop line you can put your explanations, signature, etc.



Include the following line in fda's changelog file:

  * New maintainer. (closes: #192657)

And the following line judy's changelog file:

  * New maintainer. (closes: #172772)

Next, go and fix the oustanding fda bugs. The two fda bugs are easy.
There are no bugs for judy. See:


Repackage both fda and judy, and you'll be ready to look for a sponsor.

> Greetings
> Eduardo

Building 28C, Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia

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