On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 18:10 +0200, Thomas Wana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I packaged the gSOAP stub and skeleton compiler for C/C++ for
> Debian. It's not a complex package, with one binary, one include
> file and four static libs (and a bunch of sample files), so it
> shouldn't cause headache to anyone :-) 

I couln't find gsoap listed at:


Below, you said that gsoap is a new package. You should file an
ITP (intent to package), follow the instructions at:


You will then get an email with a bug number. Put the following in your

  * Initial Release (closes: #nnnnnn).

where nnnnnn is the bug number associated with your ITP.

> You can write SOAP web services in C or C++ with it. I will be
> using it for a big project in summer so I decided to package it
> for deployment on the development machines (they are all running
> on Debian).
> I'd be glad if someone would be interested in uploading the
> package. It's a new package, there are no entries in the wnpp
> package for it. The program itself is quite mature, e.g. Adobe
> will be using it in its products in the future.
> gSOAP's homepage is http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soap.html ,
> my repository is at http://www.wana.at/debian where you can find
> the package.

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