At 23:34 12/05/2003 +0200, you wrote:
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On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 10:35:23PM +0200, José Luis Tallón wrote:
> The question is:
> - Is jdk a *real* build-dependency ?
What is *real*? How do you define *real*? If you're talking about what
you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see...then
real is simply ... electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
Alright, "the Matrix has you" ;)
hehe, couldnt resist :)
> - Will the autobuilders/build-daemons install javac ?
No. Why don't you try out jikes or gcj, they are both free.
Build-Depends: jikes | gcj | java-compiler
Will check it it works
> Which are the sections of Policy, Developer's Reference, etc applicable
> here?
Policy 2.1.3: the contrib section
Already read that. Thanks.
> Shall I ask an changes from upstream?
Not if you can build the applets with jikes or gcj, which should
be no problem if the applets don't use any funky JDK 1.4 features.
Dunno. Will check and ask upstream.
> As a side note: the "main" program will not work ( performs runtime checks
> against this ) if certain versions of *mpg123* ( mpg321 will not produce
> correct results ), vorbis-tools, cdrdao, dvd+rw-tools aren't installed.
> However, there are configuration variables which control their usage ( so
> that they are effectively not used if configured that way ).
> From a correctness point of view, I have marked theses packages as
> "suggested"
If the main program does not work without them, you must put them in
the Depends: list.
I feared that answer a bit.
So this is gonna be one "mega-dependent" package....
hmmm.... dependency-addict ? xDDDD
Hope this helps.
It sure does.