
I own a MPIO digital audio player, and would like to create packages for the 
MPIO Project (http://mpio.sourceforge.net/) utilities so that the required 
software, libraries and kernel driver module may be managed natively within 

Its packaging is very similar to lm-sensors : The MPIO Project provides source 
code for kernel-module (connected to the computer via USB port), libraries to 
access the driver and userland tools to manage the player.

I already tried to package it, and it's quite ok for libraries and utilities 
packages (they still need a little more work to reach Debian Standards 
perfection's level), but I however encounter difficulties having the kernel 
source package operating correctly.

So, I'm looking for a Debian mentor who would have kernel source module  / 
multiple debs from one source archive knowledge, and who would be kind enough 
to help me get rid of these problems.

Thanks for your help.


BOFH excuse #322:
Your Pentium has a heating problem - try cooling it with ice cold water.(Do 
not turn off your computer, you do not want to cool down the Pentium Chip 
while he isn't working, do you?)

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