On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 09:37:27AM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Apr 2003, Emmanuel Lacour wrote:
> > No real problem for daemon mode, but what to do with inetd mode, as
> > defaults ports are 10000 and 10001. Could I do directly:
> > update-inetd --add '10000 stream tcp nowait...' or should I need to
> > register the port in /etc/services (and how???), regarding debian
> > policy?
> No need to register the port or anything like that.  inetd.conf can easily
> handle numeric port numbers.  It's been a while since I had to play with an
> update-inetd call, but I think you've got the right call there.

Of course, we can put numeric port in inetd.conf, I just wanted to know
if debian policy allow this, as I didn't find anything about it in the

And I've got another question. Is there a way of handling "listen ports
conflicts" in debian. I think no. So if the user want to use zabbix and
webmin which also uses tcp 10000 ... he as to play with netstat and
change the default port in one of the programs..if it's possible...

If such a conflict handling doesn't exists, maybe it will be a great
idea to implement this, to be able to just inform users that the
programs he is going to install will try to use the same port as another
already installed.

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