On Sun, 13 Apr 2003, Fielder George Dowding wrote:

> Greetings. I am interested in becoming a member of the Debian
> Distribution by adopting the Defoma package as the maintainer.
> I have spent several days reading the documents on
> www.debian.org/devel/ as well as /join/ but it appears to me to be a
> "Catch 22" condition. Therefore, I am making this initial contact.
> Please request a sponsor contact me.

Do you have anything which you've actually done already to the package? 
Bugs fixed, features added, etc, which you can show to a potential sponsor?
The way sponsorship usually works is you say "here is my package, can
someone upload it for me?".  Someone with an interest in seeing that package
in the archive will upload it for you.  From there you might always go to
that person for sponsorship.

If you have updates to defoma, please, share with us the fruits of your
labours.  Give a URL (or at least offer to e-mail to interested parties). 
If you haven't done any changes yet, your chances of finding someone who
will say "yes, I'll sponsor you" now are slim (although, for an
infrastructure package like defoma, you might).

And if you aren't already subscribed to d-mentors for discussion purposes, I
suggest you do so.  It'll be an educational experience.

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

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