Hi all! I am trying to dive head first into the world of Debian development. As such, this is my first post to any developer-related mailing list. I thought the mentor list would be appropriate, as I probably need a little more hand-holding than the normal development lists are meant to provide. I already have my key signed by an existing Debian developer.
How are you? Unless I am mistaken, it seems that the Debian distribution contains very few packages for MUD servers (lambdamoo is a notable exception). This is understandable, since most MUD servers are not GPL or do not have a 'free' license. However, I was somewhat surprised to find that, PennMUSH, available at: http://www.pennmush.org is not available for the Debian distribution. The license (Artistic License) for the MUSH is here: http://ftp.pennmush.org/Source/COPYRITE It seems like it is okay, in that I cannot immediately find anything that would prevent it from being packaged. But could someone check over this anyway? If the licensing issues are all okay, I would like to package this software. It certainly is not the simplest of packages, but I think it's important to work with tasks that you find important, not those that are easy (necessity is the mother of invention, after all). Since I know people are busy, I'm basically asking: 1. Is the license for PennMUSH okay? 2. Is there any interest for such a package? 3. Should I (may I) package it? Regards, -- Titus Barik ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) AIM: TBarik
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