Bob> Section 11.2 of Debian Policy says: You must specify the gcc
Bob> option `-D_REENTRANT' when building a library (either static or
Bob> shared) to make the library compatible with LinuxThreads.

Bob> Is this obsolete?  I can't find `-D_REENTRANT' in the gcc
Bob> documentation.

Because it is just a special case of the -D"var=val" option.

Bob> I assume that all Debian packages should be compatible with
Bob> LinuxThreads, or is this necessary only for code that
Bob> specifically uses threads?

We cannot predict what code the library will be linked with, so we
must assume it will be linked with threaded code.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A. 
if (sizeof(signed) > sizeof(unsigned) + 4) { delete this; }
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