
I'm having some problems with two RC bugs in my packages, I'd like to
see if any mentor can help me out...

FIRST (#184121): is it OK to declare an explicit dependency on
libsigc++-dev if my dev package includes files from it? (I'm guessing it
is, by documentation, but something doesn't look right...)

SECOND (#184431): what's the best practice with packages that have a
*-gnome (1.2) version that requires applet support? Now that gnome 1.2
support is gone for the panel and applets in unstable, should I just
stop uploading new versions of the -gnome package to it? I can't upload
them to testing and I shouldn't upload them to unstable since only
people with an old libpanel-applet0 installed will be able to install it
(that's why it took me some time to detect this bug). Maybe
libpanel-applet0 should remain on unstable just to keep gnome1.2 apps
running, or is it the plan to force gnome1.2 apps into gnome2?

THIRD and last: should I bump the changelog's urgency about this bugs?
(the next upload will also be recompiled against libsigc++c102/gcc3.2)


 Leo Costela
 Public Key: http://wallsplash.net/leo/pubkey.asc
 "you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!"

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