On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 06:27:48PM +0100, Johannes Rohr wrote:
> Lately F-Prot has started offering their own deb, but it is rather
> broken. Therefore I think that the f-prot-installer package still has a
> reason to exist.

Have you talked to them about it?  A good responsive upstream can make
all the difference.

> Now, a substantial problem I have is, that, depending on the situation,
> one or more questions _must_ be asked at _each_ installation. 
must, so make it a high debconf priority, are you sure its must though?

> - If a version of F-Prot is already installed, do you wish to reinstall
>   (i.e. check if there is an update and if yes, download and install it)
>   or should I leave it alone?
> - Do you wish to use an already downloaded file?
Combine the two to an option "do nothing", "download and install"
"install from file"

> - If so, where do I find it?

> - If not: Do you wish to proceed with the installation, as it requires a
>   running Internet connection?
If not what?  You mean if they select "download and install"?  If so
they areadty said yes.

> Especially with the last three questions, this is an issue: You cannot
> assume that on each package upgrade the user will give identical answers
> here.
> Therefore I have used db_fset f-prot-installer/foobar seen false
> to ensure that the question is asked at each upgrade.
I'd use a priority, again I ask is it really neccessary to ask the same
questions over and over again.  consider two scenarios:

I have some special files or I never want them upgraded for some reason
I have a DSL connection and want the latest and greatest every time.

  - Craig

Craig Small VK2XLZ  GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
Eye-Net Consulting http://www.enc.com.au/                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MIEEE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 Debian developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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